718-738-6171 Ofc - - - 917-662-1757 Cell
718-738-6171 Ofc - - - 917-662-1757 Cell
Airline "Crewrooms" is the name of this website, owned by The DYNACO Group. For simplicity the web address is simply www.CrewRooms.net. The DYNACO Group, is a group of companies founded by an Airline Pilot back in 1966, primarily in the Financial Fields of Real Estate, Investments, Management, Financial Planning, Tax Preparation and Tax Representation at audits, Appeals and up to Tax Court.
In 1986, our founder, an Airline Pilot, realized we could provide sorely needed quality crew housing at reasonable prices while drastically improving the quality far better than what was available then and since. The basic idea was to find existing housing, upgrade the systems and amenities, providing back-up and dual main systems in many cases to increase reliability and reduce tenant inconvenience similar to how an aircraft is designed with back-up systems. Existing housing offered by others was mostly deplorable, overcrowded and it was the intent of our founder to provide decent, comfortable, safe, affordable accommodations than the deplorable over-crowded or run-down conditions he found.
We had no intention of providing similar run-down illegal crewrooms as was commonly available. Daily rentals are also illegal in New York unless you are a hotel and comply with those regulations. Similarly, overcrowded bunk bed crewrooms are also in violation of many of the housing and fire laws of New York State and NYC. We therefore avoided the problems of such illegal crewrooms. We operate legal shared apartments similar to ones where a small group of crew find and share an apartment together but removing the financial responsibility of more than their individual share of the rent if and when someone leaves or the responsibility to find another replacement person to share & prevent the remaining Crew from being forced financially to move. This gives YOU the absolute best possible option at very similar costs to the deplorable overcrowding situations! We have succeeded in providing affordable, legal, safe, clean, well maintained, secure crewrooms while providing lockable private rooms for each person, and doing so with as few restrictions as possible, AND We DO NOT limit your stay by time/day or days/month! This is meant to be your home away from home.
VERY IMPORTANT ! Know who is managing your building !
1- Is it someone who has been in the airlines and knows and understands crew life and problems first hand as we have ?
2- Is it a local non-airline person/s who may NOT understand airline problems of training, bidding, transfers, base changes, probation, short notice etc. etc. ?
3- Is it someone from a foreign culture with different standards of living from what you may be accustomed, typically packing people in illegally, renting beds multiple times when you're gone?
These 3 factors WILL impact your living conditions AND your stress level or stress-free comfort !!
This Page is About "Airline CrewRooms" Management
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